Mareeba Aged Care's top priority remains the safety of our residents, staff, families and visitors. Since the start of the Pandemic our policy has been to take a cautious approach in order to better protect our residents, staff, visitors and families.

This includes taking a number of actions including:

  1. Continually monitoring information and advice regarding Covid-19
  2. Restricting who can enter the facility
  3. Screening everyone entering the facility
  4. Rapid Antigen Testing for staff & visitors every 24 hours  
  5. Rapid Antigen Testing for residents as required

In forming our policies and processes we are guided by advice from government, state and federal health departments, and industry peak bodies. The situation is extremely fluid with circumstances changing daily and as such our policy may change without notice.


The following visitors and staff (including visiting workers) will not be permitted to enter the facility:

  • unless anyone five years and older have undertaken and received a negative result from a COVID-19 RAT test on the same day that they attend the care facility.
  • Visitors must not enter an RACF for at least 7 days after a positive COVID-19 RAT test, unless authorised by the RACF for compassionate reasons.

COVID-19 Latest News

Mareeba Aged Care is working hard to keep our residents and families safe from Coronavirus. Please support us by reading our updates and following the guidance.

Visiting Hours
Monday to Friday: 9am - 4pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday 9am - 1pm
Public Holidays 9am - 1pm
Out of hours visits must be pre-approved by Management.
Social Outings available anytime Monday to Sunday .

For urgent advice and updates, please see our Facebook Page via the following link: